Sunday, January 17, 2010

Joey's is 1 month old

Joey was 1 month old on the 14th. He was moved into a crib on Wed. the 13th. He is doing well. They are hoping to start bottle feeding him before long. Hopefully he will be home soon so we can get everything back to normal and then Joey and mom can spend lots of time together! He are some picture and there is one of Jacob sitting in a window in the hospital. It is pretty boring for him there. We feel very bad for Jacob he has been shuffled around everywhere and of course not getting his normal spoiling from mom and dad.

Sunday, January 3, 2010

Good Bye 09 Hello 2010!

Well as 2009 comes to end Jeremy and I are hoping maybe 2010 will be a bit calmer. Well after Joey gets home til then we know the way to Mercy Hospital very well! In 2009 we lost Jeremy's dad Joe. Things just haven't been the same since.

We are very fortunate to have our little Joey. The Nurses and Dr.'s have told us that he was very sick when he was born. They told us his body was shutting down because he couldn't fight the infection and that he is very lucky to still be here. He has made great progress. He is eating milk and LOVES IT!!! We say he has Grandpa Roebrt's belly!!! HE was able to get off of his IV's and get his pic line removed ( it went from his foot to his belly button). So now all he has on him is vapotherm, to help him breathe. He has started having a few apnea spells, but we expected that because Jacob had tons of them. He finally got to wear clothes last night!! So of course mom had to go shopping!!

Jacob and I have to go back to school tomorrow, so we will start driving up to Des Moines in the evenings. There will be some late nights but it will be worth it!!! Here are some new picturs of Joey!