Monday, September 20, 2010

Joey 9 months!

So since I have only Joey's picture taken 3 times by a photographer you will just have to keep looking at my snapshots!!! Joey was 9 months old on Sept. 14 (same day as Aunt Amanda's birthday). He is trying to crawl, and has 2 teeth and weighs 17.5 pounds!!! He is still a really good baby!! He loves to eat especially "real food." We are so happy that he is 9 months old so at least now him and the baby will be 9 months apart!!!!

Monday, September 13, 2010

Tuesday, September 7, 2010

Labor Day Weekend

We had tons of fun over Labor Day!! We went to the Rodney Atkin's concert at Bethany. Then of course we went to all the Diagonal events! Jacob was so happy to get to see some of his old preschool friends! Jacob was in the bike races and in the pedal pull! He had to be in a pull off in the pedal with at least 10 other kids!! Joey also had fun eating Cotton Candy!